Waste Management In The Metal Processing Industry


Smart solutions for a variety of needs

The automotive industry, which produces metal components for the heavy and light industry, has a very specific set of needs when it comes to waste management because of their variety. Thus, smart solutions are needed to manage a diverse mix of waste streams, including paints, oils, sludge and coolants, as well as general waste.

In order to find the best solutions, we start by understanding each type of waste, taking into account any space and logistics limitations. Then we implement the most efficient, environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution for each waste stream. Moreover, we ensure the collection and disposal of all types of waste, identifying those that can generate cost reductions and that can be reused or recycled. We safely identify, collect, separate and dispose of all types of car waste, including hazardous waste.

We have dedicated specialists who can provide advice on waste regulation and issues affecting the industry in general. We support educational programs dedicated to the workforce in this industry about the importance and methodology of proper waste separation.

From paint to aerosols, oil-soaked cloths, plastic cardboard, we have the ability to manage any waste generated in the production processes of this industry.


Waste management solutions in the metal processing industry

The Problem

Large volume of liquid waste

Large volumes of waste are often a logistical nightmare that results in the loss of considerable amounts of recyclable waste.
The Solution

Dedicated collection

Verdum reduces the amount of oils and cooling emulsions and finds solutions for their treatment on site, resulting in a reduction in the amount of waste by more than 90%.
The Problem

Large quantities of packaging

It is a challenge to accurately determine the quantities of packaging placed on the market for reporting to the AFM.
The Solution

Dedicated service and automated calculations

Verdum offers a special service dedicated to determining the precise amount of packaging + Verdum software solution for automated environmental reporting calculations.
The Problem

Industrial espionage

The danger of component theft for industrial espionage is very high.
The Solution

On-site disposal

Verdum offers controlled disposal services in the factory yard through a high security process that leads to almost complete elimination of risks.

We act from the heart of our customers' business

Integrated system right from the production flow

We offer control and transparency because we operate on location

We bring in trained operators for consistent performance

We ensure legislative compliance through advice and support

We offer support in control or external audit situations

Oferim suport în situații de control sau audit extern

Waste management assessment

Get a better understanding of the waste streams that your factory generates, reduce costs, and increase recycling rates with a waste management audit, no strings attached. 


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