More Than 30 Years Of Experience

Through our experience, we have learned that our partners require adaptable services regardless of their industry.

Understanding our customers

We believe in practical innovation that drives performance.

Aproape de clienti (1)

Together with our clients, we’ve designed the best waste management solutions available.

Our philosophy is deeply rooted in teamwork, both within our own team and with our partners. This collaborative approach has enabled us to achieve remarkable results, propelling us to the forefront of our industry.

100,000 tonnes of less CO2 in the atmosphere

Green Group Family

We are part of the largest integrated recycling group in Southeast Europe

Since March 2020, GreenGroup has acquired 100% of Verdum’s shares.

Leveraging the diversity of services offered by the group, Verdum’s partners can now benefit from innovative in-house recycling solutions.

GreenGroup’s operations are founded on the three principles of the circular economy: waste and pollution elimination, reintegration of materials and products into the production cycle, and carbon footprint reduction. The circular economy is embedded in GreenGroup’s DNA, and its entire activity focuses on transforming waste into resources.

Our results are also our partners' results.

Automotive industry

Amounts Saved

371,000 €

We are increasing our client’s savings by almost 400,000 euros through the implementation of an efficient waste management process.

Tool manufacturing company

Generated Revenue

679,000 €

Increased revenue through transparent and rapid recovery procedures, significantly reducing resource consumption.

Home appliance manufacturing company

Waste Reduction

> 95%

We have the ability to completely eliminate the amount of waste stored through our intelligent waste management system.

Verdum Team

Cosmin Perde

Development Director

Raluca Miheș

Financial Director

Beltechi Răzvan

Development Director

Cristina Urs

EHS Manager

Robert Danko

Development Manager

Adrian Horhat

Operations Manager
Our Customers

We call them partners