We have expanded our services nationwide to be able to offer comprehensive services to any factory in Romania, regardless of its geographical location.

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Our Approach

Direct from factory

Abordarea noastra (1)

We operate on-site, meaning at the partners’ locations, to ensure a transparent and efficient process.

Our services are designed to operate directly from the partners’ locations. We build and operate collection systems from production lines and provide compaction, destruction, recycling, or recovery services on-site or nearby to ensure maximum efficiency and the best financial results.

On-site integrated services


Through our network of partners, we can rapidly implement our solutions anywhere in Romania

Soluții implementate la nivel național

Our company stands as the premier player in the waste management market today, thanks to our exceptional versatility and ability to tailor our solutions to any location, industry, or waste type.

We have created a system of procedures that allows us to utilize our partners’ resources while maintaining the quality level of Verdum services. This has enabled us to implement our services in various regions of Romania, and today we have full national coverage.


1 locations

We have offices strategically located throughout the country to ensure prompt and efficient service to our clients, particularly those in the vicinity of our operational facilities.

Waste recovery

1 t/year

Over 68,000 tons of waste are recovered annually.


1 +

We provide waste management services to over 25 production facilities across Romania.

Reduced emissions

1 t/y

Achieving annual CO2 emission reductions of over 100,000 tons.


The companies we stand by

Waste management assessment

Get a better understanding of the waste streams that your factory generates, reduce costs, and increase recycling rates with a waste management audit, no strings attached.
A simple 4-step process